Your ultimate source for the tunes, musings and B sides
T.O.E stands for The Original Eon.
The Eons was one of the first bands that Loopy Lu and T.O.E were involved with together and the name kind of stuck as he liked it
T.O.E and Loopy Lu still write and record together extensively, but fair to say there are some tunes that T.O.E Likes that Loopy Lu doesn't.
This site is a selection of T.O.E 's compositions, that Loopy Lu didn't want to take further.
Mostly instrumentals and quite a few slightly less than finished, all the same T.O.E likes them
Loue is the band T.O.E is currently In with Loopy Lu.
The latest release is
The first Album was
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Loopy Lu on dis-interested drums
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